Passengers (Genre Conventions)

Genre Conventions

  • This trailer starts upbeat as if a normal romantic movie with nothing out of the ordinary.
  • There is upbeat music with slow paced straight cutting between shots which creates a greater contrast with the second half of the trailer which is when everything starts to go wrong.
  • After the viewers see the production company, more information is revealed about the situation unfolding.
  • As soon as it is apparent that they are not on earth and in-fact in a space ship, the editing changes to having fades to black in-between every shot.
  • The music also become much more intense and serious. 
  • There is the  use of striking phrases flashing on the screen in order to dramatise what is happening. 
  • The two protagonists are named on screen as they are famous and the production company is using this as a way to attract people to the cinema.
  • This trailer ends on a climax leaving the viewers eager to see the movie when it is released and find out what happens.
