Theatrical Trailer 2 (Dumbo)

Many of the conventions that I outlined in the previous post are used in this trailer.


Firstly the production company making the movie is displayed as Disney. The fact that this movie is produced by Disney makes it instantly apparent that this is a family friendly movie.

A the end of the trailer it fades to black before revealing the title of this movie with the colour of the font on the black background emphasising the tone throughout this trailer.

This trailer also does not show an age rating, however one would assume that this is a PG.

The Last thing shown in this trailer is the release date. An exact date is not given, instead it just says March.

When watching this trailer, you get the sense that whilst they have revealed the main characters, there are many more characters yet to be revealed. As the main character (Dumbo) is an elephant Disney are trying to use this cute animal to draw in a large audience as well as it being nostalgic for anyone who grew up watching the original Dumbo movie as a child.

There is dramatic, non diegetic music throughout this trailer which presumably sets the overall tone for the movie. After all, it is a movie about an orphaned elephant.

Throughout this trailer there is a voiceover, however the man doing this voiceover is not revealed. This voiceover seems like it was recorded specially for the trailer rather than taken from a scene in the movie.

The name of the director of this movie (Tim Burton) who is a famous director is shown in the trailer in an attempt to come and see this directors latest movie.

This trailer is exactly two and a half minute long which again fits the convention.
