Sicario (Genre Conventions)

Genre Conventions

  • The trailer begins with a shortened and dimly lit version of the Lionsgate logo. 
  •  The genre of the movie is instantly apparent when the trailer begins with armed military personel taking position around a house.
  • A convention of thriller trailers is the use of solemn voice overs and audio carrying over from one camera shot to another. 
  • There is instantly action in this movie but it is only apparent that this is a thriller further into the movie as the characters and locations are established. 
  • This trailer also features the use of fades to black between a large number of the scenes. 
  • A convention of thriller trailers is the use of text on black screens giving further information and context from dramatic phrases.   
  • There is extremely dramatic non diegetic music throughout this trailer which grows to a crescendo at the climax of the trailer.
